★✩ Korniko - Smart.fm ow.ly/JN3L #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
Your Cyborg Eye Will Talk to You ow.ly/R9ae Cool! #
L.L. Zamenhof And The Shadow People | The New Republic ow.ly/RgN0 #Esperanto #
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★✩ Korniko - Smart.fm ow.ly/JN3L #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
Your Cyborg Eye Will Talk to You ow.ly/R9ae Cool! #
L.L. Zamenhof And The Shadow People | The New Republic ow.ly/RgN0 #Esperanto #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter★✩ Kolombo - Smart.fm ow.ly/JN2P #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitterKristnaska mesagxo de la Papo 2009 (en Esperanto) ow.ly/Qquj #Esperanto #
ЄЭ Big Esperanto List - Smart.fm bit.ly/8XgApd #Esperanto #
★✩ Koko - Smart.fm ow.ly/JN1P #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
New Decade, New Resolutions! | #Esperanto Blog ow.ly/QuzM #
You say potato, I also say potato. At least we agree on something. (via @alyankovic) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitterBlogo de Anilo ow.ly/QbuV #Esperanto #
★✩ Kato- Cat - Smart.fm ow.ly/JN0F #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
Auxtomobila Propagando… « Sudminasa Blogo ow.ly/Qdw9 #Esperanto #
Klanestro Talisman: ★✩ argumento por anonci Lernu sur Facebook, ow.ly/Qe4d #
ЄЭ Trovu edz(in)on tra esperantujo ow.ly/Qf7c #
@edsallo ne jam. mi serĉas estas. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitterJust started Tricky words in Esperanto smart.fm/goals/187361 on Smart.fm #
★✩ Kapro - Goat Smart.fm ow.ly/JMZe #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
@KlanestroTalis Kio havas ok krurojn kaj mang^as herbojn? Du kaproj. #esperanto (^_^) (via @edsallo) #
Facebook | Lernu ow.ly/PVcS #
RT @esperantocourse Adiaŭ! (Goodbye!) Ĝis revido! Ĝis la revido! (Until next time!); informally: ĝis! ĝis la! (=See you!)/ revidi=see again #
Ĉi-vespere, mi multe ludis je Smart.fm :) (via @AriadneAranea) #
Klanestro Talisman: Kanto Vi ne parolas ow.ly/Q0ke #
What is interlingualism? ow.ly/Q0BV #Esperanto #English #
La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando: Lewis Carroll - Libraro ow.ly/Q15w Click on any word in the text to see its definition #esperanto #
Pledgie — Donate To: "New Year Resolution Push" ow.ly/Q1h0 #
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Learn Esperanto
From James Randi: 'Understand this: I heartily endorse and accept marijuana use for medical purposes; research has clearly shown that it works efficiently in that role, and brings comfort and relief to the suffering. As a result of this stated conditional acceptance, I have been approached by those who advocate general use of the substance on the same level that tobacco enjoys. Generally, this makes sense to me, except that if its use were to bring with it the same dreadful health penalties that accompany tobacco, I would be reluctant to accept that. I am not a drug user, I have never even been inebriated. That is my personal choice, and I feel that other persons should also enjoy freedom of choice, even if taxes are imposed on that freedom in order to legislate it; I don't want out-of-control drivers threatening my safety, for example.'
Some Esperanto speakers, not wanting to over-celebrate the achievements of a single man, have suggested celebrating December 15 as Esperanto Literature Day instead. Thus they encourage Esperanto organizations that hold gatherings on that day to add a book review or poetry reading to the program or to announce the publication of a new book. On an individual level, one can buy or start reading a new book or in some other way celebrate Esperanto literature.
Esperanto is probably the easiest to learn usable language out there. The Institute of Cybernetic Pedagogy at Paderborn compared how long it would take French speaking people to learn different languages to reach the same level:2000 hours studying German1500 hours studying English1000 hours studying Italian150 hours studying Esperanto
- 2000 hours studying German
- 1500 hours studying English
- 1000 hours studying Italian
- 150 hours studying Esperanto
Yes, a tenth of the time it takes to learn English and less than that when compared to German. And something very interesting happens here. The third language you learn takes less effort than the second one.
If you want to learn another language, let’s say, German, it’ll take you less time to learn Esperanto and then learn German than to just learn German. Yes, you’ve read right. Less time to learn two languages than one.
That experiment was done by teaching one year of Esperanto and four of French to some students while five of French to others. The amount of time studying was the same but those that spoke Esperanto first reached a better French level. So even if you never utter a single Esperanto word out there, it makes economical sense to learn it first, before you learn another language.