Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twitter Posts

@klanestrotalis Posts

★✩ Korniko - #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #

Your Cyborg Eye Will Talk to You Cool! #

L.L. Zamenhof And The Shadow People | The New Republic #Esperanto #

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Twitter Posts

@klanestrotalis Posts

★✩ Kolombo - #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Twitter Posts

@klanestrotalis Posts

Kristnaska mesagxo de la Papo 2009 (en Esperanto) #Esperanto #

ЄЭ Big Esperanto List - #Esperanto #

★✩ Koko - #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #

New Decade, New Resolutions! | #Esperanto Blog #

You say potato, I also say potato. At least we agree on something. (via @alyankovic) #

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Twitter Posts

@klanestrotalis Posts

Blogo de Anilo #Esperanto #

★✩ Kato- Cat - #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #

Auxtomobila Propagando… « Sudminasa Blogo #Esperanto #

Klanestro Talisman: ★✩ argumento por anonci Lernu sur Facebook, #

ЄЭ Trovu edz(in)on tra esperantujo #

@edsallo ne jam. mi serĉas estas. #

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

★✩ argumento por anonci Lernu sur Facebook,

Facebook havas la (demographics) por simila homoj interesa en Esperanto
Facebook has the demographics of people that would be interested in Esperanto,
According to Alexa lernu havas, Pri Alexa:
kaj pri @lernu 1,766 klakoj 61% en Usono!!

Helpu kun multigi klakoj de facebook
Click here to lend your support to: New Year Resolution Push for Language and make a donation at !

Twitter Posts

@klanestrotalis Posts

Just started Tricky words in Esperanto on #

★✩ Kapro - Goat #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #

@KlanestroTalis Kio havas ok krurojn kaj mang^as herbojn? Du kaproj. #esperanto (^_^) (via @edsallo) #

Facebook | Lernu #

RT @esperantocourse Adiaŭ! (Goodbye!) Ĝis revido! Ĝis la revido! (Until next time!); informally: ĝis! ĝis la! (=See you!)/ revidi=see again #

Ĉi-vespere, mi multe ludis je :) (via @AriadneAranea) #

Klanestro Talisman: Kanto Vi ne parolas #

What is interlingualism? #Esperanto #English #

La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando: Lewis Carroll - Libraro Click on any word in the text to see its definition #esperanto #

Pledgie — Donate To: "New Year Resolution Push" #

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kanto Vi ne parolas

Fwd: Twitter Posts

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 7:00 AM
Subject: Twitter Posts

  • 10:10 ★✩ Kamelo - Camel #Esperanto #vorto ★✩ #
  • 10:20 #Esperanto #
  • 11:41 Vikilibroj #
  • 16:35 Klanestro Talisman: Mazi en Gondolando #
  • 16:59 New Years Resolution, Learn #Esperanto #
  • 17:14 Skolta #Esperanto-Ligo #
  • 19:33 YouTube - Amazing Grace - Best 7 yr old singer hands down #
  • 21:20 #Esperanto #
  • 07:41 Learn #Esperanto - the international language - Alliance for a New Humanity #
  • 07:59 War of the worlds in #Esperanto Milito de la Mondoj #
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

★✩ First day of Twitter for Lernu ★✩

I want to show the growth of Lernu, since I started taking care of the lernu twitter account.

Dec 23 #303 Clicks that @Lernu is responsible for on the First DAY!

Mi volas vidu la kresko de Lernu, estis mi tvitter kontacto

Dec 23 #303 klakoj that @Lernu estas responda por.

vizitas kaj Follow


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Use Pearltree to assist learning of Esperanto

I have been playing around with this website called pearltrees,
Mi estis ludis kun programo nomo pearltrees.

Use this pearltree to help navigate around your options when learning Esperanto.
Uzu sub pearltree al helpu navigi cirkaŭ ligilo de la reto, kiam lernas Esperanton.

Learn Esperanto

Language and Children

Monday, December 21, 2009

Prague Manifesto

The Prague Manifesto was elaborated in 1996, during the international esperanto congress in Prague. There lie the main goals which the esperanto movement gave itself. The Quebec Esperanto Society subscribes to these goals, and promotes Esperanto for the achievement of those.

We, members of the worldwide movement for the promotion of Esperanto, address this Manifesto to all governments, international organizations and people of good will; declare our unshakeable commitment to the objectives set out here; and call on all organizations and individuals to join us in working for these goals.
For more than a century Esperanto, which was launched in 1887 as a project for an auxiliary language for international communication and quickly developed into a rich living language in its own right, has functioned as a means of bringing people together across the barriers of language and culture. The aims that inspire the users of Esperanto are still as important and relevant as ever. Neither the worldwide use of a few national languages, nor advances in communications technology, nor the development of new methods of language teaching is likely to result in a fair and effective language order based on the following principles, which we hold to be essential.

Any system of communication which confers lifelong privileges on some while requiring others to devote years of effort to achieving a lesser degree of competence is fundamentally antidemocratic. While Esperanto, like any language, is not perfect, it far outstrips other languages as a means of egalitarian communication on a world scale.

We maintain that language inequality gives rise to communicative inequality at all levels, including the international level. We are a movement for democratic communication.

All ethnic languages are bound to certain cultures and nations. For example, the child who learns English learns about the culture, geography and political systems of the English-speaking world, primarily the United States and the United Kingdom. The child who learns Esperanto learns about a world without borders, where every country is home.

We maintain that education in any language is bound to a certain view of the world. We are a movement for global education.

Only a small percentage of foreign-language students attain fluency in the target language. In Esperanto, fluency is attainable even through home study. Various studies have shown that Esperanto is useful as a preparation for learning other languages. It has also been recommended as a core element in courses in language awareness.

We maintain that the difficulties in learning ethnic languages will always be a barrier for many students who would benefit from knowing a second language. We are a movement for effective language learning.

The Esperanto community is almost unique as a worldwide community whose members are universally bilingual or multilingual. Every member of the community has made the effort to learn at least one foreign language to a communicative level. In many cases this leads to a love and knowledge of several languages and to broader personal horizons in general.
We maintain that the speakers of all languages, large and small, should have a real chance of learning a second language to a high communicative level. We are a movement for providing that opportunity to all.

The unequal distribution of power between languages is a recipe for permanent language insecurity, or outright language oppression, for a large part of the world's population. In the Esperanto community the speakers of languages large and small, official and unofficial meet on equal terms through a mutual willingness to compromise. This balance of language rights and responsibilities provides a benchmark for developing and judging other solutions to language inequality and conflict.
We maintain that the wide variations in power among languages undermine the guarantees, expressed in many international instruments, of equal treatment regardless of language. We are a movement for language rights.

National governments tend to treat the great diversity of languages in the world as a barrier to communication and development. In the Esperanto community, however, language diversity is experienced as a constant and indispensable source of enrichment. Consequently every language, like every biological species, is inherently valuable and worthy of protection and support.
We maintain that communication and development policies which are not based on respect and support for all languages amount to a death sentence for the majority of languages in the world. We are a movement for language diversity.

Every language both liberates and imprisons its users, giving them the ability to communicate among themselves but barring them from communication with others. Designed as a universally accessible means of communication, Esperanto is one of the great functional projects for the emancipation of humankind -- one which aims to let every individual citizen participate fully in the human community, securely rooted in his or her local cultural and language identity yet not limited by it.

We maintain that exclusive reliance on national languages inevitably puts up barriers to the freedoms of expression, communication and association. We are a movement for human emancipation.

Prague, July 1996

Sunday, December 20, 2009

James Randi Speaks: Charles Lynch

James Randi Speaks: Charles Lynch: "

From James Randi: 'Understand this: I heartily endorse and accept marijuana use for medical purposes; research has clearly shown that it works efficiently in that role, and brings comfort and relief to the suffering. As a result of this stated conditional acceptance, I have been approached by those who advocate general use of the substance on the same level that tobacco enjoys. Generally, this makes sense to me, except that if its use were to bring with it the same dreadful health penalties that accompany tobacco, I would be reluctant to accept that. I am not a drug user, I have never even been inebriated. That is my personal choice, and I feel that other persons should also enjoy freedom of choice, even if taxes are imposed on that freedom in order to legislate it; I don't want out-of-control drivers threatening my safety, for example.'


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gaining Esperanto Assets

From 12/16/09

Why would an American learn a second language? Especially if I don't know anybody that speaks it first.

My main motive is to become smarter* learning a second language makes you smart like learning chess makes you smart.
I never believed I could attain fluency in a second language, but then i read about esperanto and decided to learn it, I am not fluent yet however I already appreciate the new ability to create thoughts in my head.

Most people learn English or another language for money. I have not found many oportunites to make money speaking esperanto

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LL Zamenhof 150th Naskigtago Birthday

Hodiaŭ estas LL. Zamenhoff naskitago
Today is LL.Zamenhoffs Birthday,

Google is celebrating his birthday with the Esperanto flag on their logo
Google estas festanta de la emblemo

So this has increased the number of searches for LL Zamenhoff Considerably
Do ĉi tio estis pliig numeroj de la serĉojn por LL Zamenhoff tre multe

Nun li nomo estas #3 sur google "hot searches" 5:36 pst
Now his name is #3 on google's "hot searches" 5:36 pst

Something I don't think has happend.
Aĵo mi ne scias okazis.

Tamen: (From )

Some Esperanto speakers, not wanting to over-celebrate the achievements of a single man, have suggested celebrating December 15 as Esperanto Literature Day instead. Thus they encourage Esperanto organizations that hold gatherings on that day to add a book review or poetry reading to the program or to announce the publication of a new book. On an individual level, one can buy or start reading a new book or in some other way celebrate Esperanto literature.

Mi estas unua komencanto de esperanto tamen tre bona ligilo estas.
I am a beginner of esperanto However really good links to learn are.

The main reason why I learned Esperanto in the first place is to get over the language hump it is knowledge that your 2nd language is your hardest to learn. Esperanto is Perfect to overcome that problem as it is mostly vocabulary thanks to the 16 rules of grammer, I decided based on the research that 6 months of learning this language would be greatly beneficial, I am surprised at what in addition I have for me on this green rainbow.


Esperanto is probably the easiest to learn usable language out there. The Institute of Cybernetic Pedagogy at Paderborn compared how long it would take French speaking people to learn different languages to reach the same level:2000 hours studying German1500 hours studying English1000 hours studying Italian150 hours studying Esperanto
  • 2000 hours studying German
  • 1500 hours studying English
  • 1000 hours studying Italian
  • 150 hours studying Esperanto

Yes, a tenth of the time it takes to learn English and less than that when compared to German. And something very interesting happens here. The third language you learn takes less effort than the second one.

If you want to learn another language, let’s say, German, it’ll take you less time to learn Esperanto and then learn German than to just learn German. Yes, you’ve read right. Less time to learn two languages than one.

That experiment was done by teaching one year of Esperanto and four of French to some students while five of French to others. The amount of time studying was the same but those that spoke Esperanto first reached a better French level. So even if you never utter a single Esperanto word out there, it makes economical sense to learn it first, before you learn another language.

According to the logo appeared in the following 33 countries:

China,Japan,South Korea,Hong Kong ,Taiwan,Italy,Armenia,Austria,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Switzerland, Israel, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, France ,Greece,Moldova, Netherlands,Poland, Romania, Serbia, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia,Turkmenistan, USA,Chile ,Argentina,Colombia, Mexico good for Knowledge of Esperanto: Bona por scio de esperanto Absolute must for studying and gaining vocabulary, (Search for Esperanto) Great translator ; Bona Tradukilo ★✩

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pipi Ŝtrumplonga || Pipi Longstocking

Reading from

Mi estas komencanto tamen mi devis per ke mi studi. Dankon por via instrui.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cool Site I wanted to share it

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